Five programs are under development that will be supported by operating revenues from the Carousel and interest from Carousel funds:
“Freedom Is Not Free Program” American freedoms are earned, not given! Some Carousel funds will sponsor a gratitude ticket program to Veterans/active military personnel and their families. Veterans/active military personnel and family members are invited to ride the Carousel on any day of operations using the Carousel BOGO (Buy One Get One) Free ticket program.
“Youth Library Reading Program” Let’s reward children who read about our regional cultural history! Funds will sponsor ticket programs for earned reading prizes given out at area libraries using book selections from the Western Reserve Historical Society’s publication collections.
"Youth Service Training Program” How do young people get a first job opportunity? Funds will sponsor a partnership with Western Reserve Historical Society and youth training organizations of Cleveland. These potential partnerships will provide entry level training jobs in the service industries such as operating the Carousel’s rides, concession stand, gift shop, and marketing sales activity related to the Carousel Business model. Many Clevelanders first jobs were working summers at EBP as part of the Humphrey Family’s vision in creating economic value.
“Youth Art Program” Since “setting goals” is a function of “expressing dreams with timelines,” we should be able to help children set their own goals through an Art Program. Why not reward children with tickets who express their dreams through Art and place timelines on their artwork; i.e., when it was created AND when they think it will be realized. Funds will sponsor a partnership with regional area schools’ art departments to provide all participating students a Carousel ticket program who transform their dreams into goals through Art.
“Youth Music Appreciation Program” What child would not sit quietly through a concert if it meant he/she could ride the Carousel afterwards? What adult would not like to have a child who hears music at one venue such as the Orchestra repeated again with all the sights and sounds of that same music on the original Band Organ of the Carousel? Some of the funds will sponsor a ticket program for exchanging a used ticket from area music programs for a Carousel ticket.